

Most tutors and students usually refer to success at university in terms of good grades and academic success. Therefore they assume that ‘studying hard’ is very comprosery. However, it is not always clear what ‘studying hard’ actually means because everyone has specific interpretation to certain things for me (Dara Emeka Moses) this is what I call success in studying. 

The role of university today is not just to develop knowledge expertise but to develop employability skills that can be transferred from the classroom to the practical places of work.

University don't care on how much a student knows. Rather, they grade students on how well and organized and being able to communicate ideas or how well they have applied theories to solve problems.

A regular question asked by students on any assessment is ‘how many words do I need? ; how many references should I include? ’ but this is the wrong thing to as.... A student should be able to put all he knows about a particular topic and strictly attempt questions that has more marks on them 

So ‘studying hard’ has been replaced by ‘studying effectively’. Universities provide all new students with material and introductory courses on writing and study skills geared towards the academic needs of the discipline.

Here is an outlisted things to do to have good grades.
(1) always study often and don't over read thereby reading different text books and handouts at a time. You tends to go into cramming when you read without stopping and it's will make you forget easily when you are in an exam hall

(2) always engage in active study. This can be achieved by having a reading group. Make friends who have same interest in what ever you do. It makes you communicate more about your studies rather than certain things that has no benefits to you. 

(3)students usually want to finish a whole text book for an incoming exam. A text book that you could not finish for a complete semester but in just one night you will want to finish it
Like I said in the beginning Steady and slowly wins the race in terms of academic success. 

(4) don't sacrifice your sleep for reading, sleeping has a long row to play for the brain in terms of assimilating. 

(5) use handout wisely this tends to assist students more in our university today. 

(6) avoid things that tends to take most of your time and always have a planned time table for reading time management is very necessary in terms of study that's why universities and secondary schools always have calendars for teaching 

(7) always dress well and sit on time for class, it enhance your self confidence and make you prepare for the day activities. 

(8) always take down important points stated by the lecturers when he is teaching, it might be needed for exams and text. 

(9)always eat breakfast,most student tends to skip breakfast due to early morning classes and studies has shown that this has an effect on the student. 

(10)always stay in class and mark attendance because marks are usually awarded to students, when a lecturer observes poor turnout of students he most likely will request for attendance. 

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